Office space is a 1999 black comedy, directed by Mike Judge (the same one that would later direct Idiocracy) and featuring Ron Livingstone with several co-stars such as Jennifer Aniston and John C. McGinley.
The movie begins by depicting the soul-sucking and demoralizing day of a white-collar employee; the work environment makes the main character feel asphyxiated, trapped and without a future. The counter point in the movie comes with a group therapy where he is hypnotized and decides to stop caring about pleasing his bosses (there is a certain similarity to Yes man if you think about it). Eventually the main characters try to pull a Superman 3 (fractions of pennies type of heist), fail, but by a deus ex machina everything is resolved and life continues, only a bit better.
Now, the movie does not necessarily have much going out for it, but it is still a reminder of how one could be trapped within a paradoxical situation. Let us say that, living in these trying times you find yourself feeling stuck, but things are not as bad as for you to make a change; you just tell yourself that it is sufficient to get through the current day, week or month. And time passes. And nothing changes. Within this paradox, the changes that you would want do not happen, but your current situation is not as bad as to make you actively do something. In other words, if your circumstances would be bad enough, in turn they would make you cross that tipping point and do something; you would also actively be changing you situation. A little food for thought.
One final thing: the movie is a bit of a classic when it comes to meme culture so if you could just catch my drift, that would be great.
A sort of PS for a younger generation: the movie may contain alienating technology, but consider that floppy disks did die after all to become the icon of saving (a bit like Jesus).
I would give this movie a 6 out of 10 “sounds like a case of the Mondays”.