La faccio semplice: oggi – 1 ottobre 2023 – il mio blog compie cinque anni, calcolato da quando è stato pubblicato il primo articolo (2018) che ho repostato ieri. Inoltre ho ‘manipolato’ la faccenda in modo tale da far sì che questo fosse l’articolo numero 100, e questo l’ho fatto perché…beh, perché ho una sana…
The Journey experience
Journey is a 2012 videogame developed by Thatgamecompany that perfectly demonstrates how a game can deliver so much more than what we would normally expect. The story, although simplistic, is not ever narrated, in fact there is no such thing as voice acting; furthermore, although being a two or three hour long gaming experience, one…
Destruction person
This article follows the trend of summer “light movies” and since we are chaining together actors, and given that the last one was Tango and Cash, I will propose a movie with Sylvester Stallone. Demolition man is an action-movie with dystopian elements starring Sylvester Stallone, Sandra Bullock and Wesley Snipes; given that it came out…
The third gate of Baldur
Well, with so many people writing and talking about Baldur’s Gate 3, it would seem a bit pointless to add to this trend, but…here we are, after 80 hours of gameplay, to talk about some things and rant about others. I won’t spend time however discussing the plot and your ‘build your own suicide squad’…
Waltz and Currency
Given that last time, for the movie of the month column, I gave you two examples of mindless action movies featuring Kurt Russell, I thought I would follow the trend with the same actor. After all, it is summer, so I would assume that deep ontological and thought-provoking themes would be out of the question;…
Che le Cronache abbiano inizio
Una biblioteca dedicata alla decima musa e che arde da millenni, una città rovente e che vive grazie alla PerenneFiamma, dei cittadini conosciuti sicuramente di nome e altri che celano fin troppo bene i loro segreti, questo e molto altro vi attende. Nel territorio del crepuscolo hanno così inizio le Cronache di CindeTown. Tra filosofia…
May the Chronicles begin
Within the Burning Library dedicated to the tenth muse burns the ForeverFire; the fired-up city, its inhabitants – the ones that are well known by name as well as those who conceal their secrets – and the mysteries of old await you. In this twilight, the CinderTown Chronicles begin. Dear LoreKeepers, midst literature and philosophy,…
Not quite Overlord
Hear me out, I know that previously I already addressed several themes of Isekai and reverse Isekai without ever actually writing an article on the genre and its evolution, but to be fair there are people out there who did this way better (thinking at you Gigguk, the Isekai gigachad – you da real MVP)….
The Escapes
Escape from New York (1981) and Escape from L.A. (1996) are two dystopian action movies directed by John Carpenter and featuring Kurt Russell in the role of Snake Plissken; unfortunately, although there was a third entry planned to complete the trilogy, it never quite happened. The movies are by no stretch of the imagination excellent,…
One Ghost, scrambled
Mardock Scramble is an anime movie (divided in three parts), adapted from its homonymous light novel. It presents some very thought-provoking scenarios and deals with crude themes such as rape, suicide, murder and the ontological dilemma of the worth of a life. It behaves somewhat as a noir and a murder mystery narration, while also…